RSS Usage to Make a Difference

Today, I am going to inform you about something on the internet that will make you gain your most important treasure, time back by collecting all you want to read online in just one page.

Yes it’s RSS what I am talking about. Most of you, as lovers of world wide web must have heard of it before but if you are like me who have discovered it recently thanks to her Educational Technologies course or about to learn it right now. Let’s make a brief explanation. 

RSS is abbreviated form of Really Simple Syndication. It is an online source that shows new uploads from your favourite blogs. Thus you don't have to spend that much time looking for new posts to read. You can either download a feedreader to your computer or access to it online. There are plenty of feedreaders that have various features on the internet. In other words you have the opportunity to choose the one that appeals to you most. While I was searching which one is the one for me, I found Feedly It is said to be one of the most popular feedreaders. But if you wonder what I chose it for, it's totally because it's mobile friendly! I can download its app to my mobile phone and don't wonder whether it will overuse my memory, it only takes up 7 mb. Furthermore its recommendations are profitable and make my reading activity easier.
Here are my favourite blogs on Feedly.

As you can see there is a blog named mindfulschools, a US based blog site used by educators from more than 100 countries, among my favourites which I highly recommend if you are interested in learning and teaching. It is about the ways to cope with the challenges of 21st century. They suggest that the teachers as the head of educational process mustn't postpone themselves so as to make next generations healthy and well-developed. They are focusing on the importance of mindfulness during a day full of courses and other daily activities that make us hurry. 
Their theory is basically about:

I hope you enjoyed the post if you know or will find other beautiful blogs and this post ignited your passion about searching about reading let me know about them in the comments below. See you next week. 


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