Changing the World by Podcasting

Hello my dear followers

Do you listen to podcasts on BBC, Spotify, ITunes or any other sources.A podcast is file filled with recorded voice and it can be about  literally everything from education to environment. And even documentaries and series in various genres such as comedy or soup opera are found in podcasts. Some podcasts are aimed to be used in classrooms or by learners of the second language so their language is modified according to the levels of the second language learners. Here are some examples if you want to have a glance at from British Council and BBC
I, as a future English teacher, will be using these kind of podcasts during my lessons. I can create my own podcasts as we're supposed to do for our educational technologies course or use avaliable ones on several websites according to my subject and the level of my students. Creating a podcast is both enjoyable and tiring process because you have to be creative during the preparation period and regulate your voice to sound relaxed and confident. I was a bit shy and excited so I couldn't manage to regulate my voice level so well. I used PodOmatic to create my podcast because it is compatible with the blogsite I have been using. Here is my debut in podcasting

You will learn my thoughts about our territory, world and if I could have the chance to change it what kind of changes I could do. It was a different subject and I want you to let me know about your opinions. Please forgive me for my excitement and meet me in the comments below. I am looking forward to see if you are eager to create podcasts of your own. 


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